The Birthday Cash Cow
Ohh, beautiful and always anticipated with joy... the day that marks your being one year older...
A nice occasion for friends and family to throw you a surprise party with a lot of nice gifts ! Enjoy !
A nice occasion for friends and family to throw you a surprise party with a lot of nice gifts ! Enjoy !

In my yearly calendar, few dates are so emotionally important for me as my birthday: I am such a sucker for birthday wishes, I love people remembering about my special day.
I am surprised so few business caught on this human quirk: why not more people send me special discounts/offers for my bday? I am very prone to check them out, because it's my special day... Oh, I can hear the most professional of you wispering the magic word: Database...database... yeah, that's the point and we will come back to it in the next postings. Creating and maintaining a database is a pain in the neck, and it pays off only in the medium long term. But the returns can be colossal.
Not a single restaurant in my life ever asked me about my bday: oh, I can hear you "The privacy, people would not give their info that easy"... ahh, in one of the next postings I'll show you that we are all so ready to give all the info we are asked, provided there is a good reason... come back to learn more in the next days.
In the meantime, I paste for you an example of smart business, that uses the bday idea. A friend of mine, living in Texas, passed it to me (thanx S. !)
Notice also the expiration date: smmmmaaaart guys, they put some time pressure on us, using the scarcity principle (interested in more info on Dr. Cialdini persuasion principles: click here and here).
Ok, enjoy your day and, as usual, think: more profit is just few thoughts away.
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