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Monday, June 13, 2005

Do you want a chocolate bar with your gas? (part 1 of 2)

Here in Texas many gas stations are providing the ultimate convenience for the time-pressed modern citizen: pay at the pump with credit card.

It’s a delight: swipe the magic plastic rectangle, get accepted, prime the pump and speed away, toward new adventures.

But, alas, this is an unfortunate series of event for the gas station: they only can sell us gas in this way…

When we had to enter into the little store to pay with cash, they were able to put in motion the powerful Point Of Purchase sell mechanism: once you are about to pay, it’s very easy to sell you candies, mints, even hot dogs and coke (just ask… see previous posting “Ask and you shall receive”)

Now, the gas stations had to (reluctantly I believe) bow to the customer pressure and install the credit card payment option, which kills completely the Point Of Purchase sales opportunity and depletes the associated margins.

But they surely have an asset: me stopping at their station. As Seth describes it in his excellent “Permission Marketing” this is a Situation Permission: as I am there, they could try to leverage my time.

How could they get me to walk into the gas station anyway? Here is an idea: how about having a button on the pump (or on the touch screen after the pumping is done) that says “Push here if you feel lucky!” "Push here to see what you win today". I challenge any human being to resist pushing it…

Tomorrow we will see what this mysterious button will do…


At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the gas pump, I have seen a display above the card reader that scrolls a message, "come in and check out our daily specials" (sometimes it is specified what is on special) along with "thank you for shopping with us". It hasn't got me to go in, but I am only stopping to purchase fuel. It is not so in your face to be offensive, it is a good suggestion.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Mau said...

Dear Anonymous,

I can see that it does not get people to go in (Same for me...): see my June 15th posting ("I tell you why you need to tell me why…").

What if they told you that the daily special is "a Hot Dog with Coke for just 75 cents today?".
Of course the offers could change with the time of the day : around lunch, hot dog and coke. At breakfast, donuts and coffee, if they serve them.

Thank you for your contribution,

Mau in Austin


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