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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sleeping Beauty lives in your Database (part 2 of 2)

And now the happy ending story...

A friend of mine bought a jewelry item on a web site few years ago: the company very professionally delivered the item exactly as expected. My friend was very happy about the experience.

Since then, he never bought anything anymore on this online store.

Now, out of the blue, few days ago, he got an email from them with Subject “Our way of thanking you, John” (John being the fictitious name of my friend).

The email was basically a special offer for customers only, with a discount on a specific set of products. I love this idea: it costed nothing, and actually brought value to the customers that received it. How do I know it brought value? Well, my friend really appreciated the email and actually bought 120$ of merchandise from the offer.

Think about the Return On Investment (ROI) of that email… spectacular: sent to a name that is already in the database (no cost of acquisition of very qualified name), offering a special discount on a specific collection (that maybe they had to move from inventory…) and all this using email and the internet.

I paste here a couple of screen shots from the email my friend received

(Note: click on the pictures to enlarge them)


jewels 2

Bottom line: your efforts in building the database of your clients are very smart and worthwhile. Not only they pay in the short term, but they keep brining value for many years to come.

Mau in Austin


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Mau said...


your comment about spam and the difficulty to cut thru the clutter are very correct: because e-mail is free, abuse is very easy...

But if the message is (as Seth Godin mentions in "Permission Marketing") relevant, personal and anticipated (in this case it was not anticipated, but it was surely relevant and personal), people do read it.

Of course, making the message easy to read or to view is duty for the sender: I appreciate your point about the pictures and how much they made a difference in your reading.

Mau in Taiwan


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