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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Six Flags Talks Benefits, not Features

Last week I took one day off and went to Six Flags in Houston: what a great day of fun. There were virtually no lines at the rides and me and my girlfriend had a fantastic time: I almost felt guilty about not having to wait at any roller coaster…

On our way to the park, a big advertising panel got my attention (see pictures).
Note: you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.


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I was very surprised to see the benefits stated in such a clear way: no complicated lingo, no “features” listings, but a series of reasons in my interest for considering the purchase of the season pass.

Bottom line: I commend Six Flags for their marketing smart: what a refreshing example of intelligent communication. Too often the sentence “Features tell, Benefits sell” is used, but in this example, Six Flags put that principle really at work.

Mau in Italy


At 6:49 AM, Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

I am very impressed with this sign! Mau, you are so right about this. Finding benefits in the promotional langauge is a rarity, sadly.


At 6:20 PM, Blogger Mau said...


I agree: it seems like being plain and simple is a sin... when on the other hand, a sincere, honest, candid statement of benefits is so much more effective.

And it does not create the distrust barrier: the benefits are there, clear and simple.

Mau in Italy


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